Quick install guide

Cubane is easy to install for most Unix/Linux based platforms including Mac OS. Windows is currently not supported.


Cubane requires the following main components:

  • Python 2.7
  • Django 1.11

See also

Please also compare the Python requirements for different Django versions.

Install Python

Cubane is written in the Python programming language; therefore we need to make sure that we have python up and running first.

Get the latest version of Python 2.7+ at https://www.python.org/download/ or with your operating system’s package manager.

Cubane is currently supporting the latest version of python 2.7+. At the time of writing, this is 2.7.12 for example.

Verifying Python

You can verify that Python is installed by typing python from your shell; you should see something like:

Python 2.7.x
[GCC 4.x on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Installing Cubane

After installing Python, you can easily install cubane via pip by typing:

$ pip install Cubane

Verifying Cubane

To verify that Cubane is available, type python from your shell. At the Python prompt, try to import Cubane:

>>> import cubane
>>> cubane.VERSION

What’s Next

You’ve installed Python and Cubane successfully. You can now create your first Cubane project.